Saturday 27 July 2013

Puerto Viejo

Today was officially the longest day ever! Douglas woke up sick. I tried to get him up and moving but that was a disaster as he ended up being sick just at the smell of breakfast. He spent half the day in bed and the other half desperately trying to get his math homework and culminating assignment completed and handed in.

Llovio todo el dia! La major noticia del dia es que tengo mi camara! Estoy feliz de que no tenemos que hacer los deberes de matematicas para el resto del fin de semana.

It is wonderful to think that we will not have to look at anything related to Grade 9 Math for the rest of the weekend!

I am just reading up on Puerto Viejo. Most people would have done this before travelling to a location but not me. I like to find out a place once I am already in it. Apparently Puerto Viejo is the closest town to Panama and many people come here on their way to Bocas del Toro, which is part of Panama. This also explains why there are border police randomly checking busses. I found that out on our way into town wondering to myself how we are going to get out of town as I left our passports back in Monteverde. Last night I got smart and went on my trusted computer and e-mailed pictures of our passports to my phone so that at least I will have that to show if we do get stopped. LOL oops.

There is also a substantial Jamaican population in this area of Costa Rica. I knew that about Limon and I guess we are really not far from there. There are more Jamaicans, Rastafarians (is that a word mom?) and Bob Marley paraphernalia here than I have seen anywhere else in Costa Rica so far. Everyone bike’s here which is great. I told Doug that is how I thought we would be getting around until I realized just how crazy the hills are in the mountains! Guess I should start planning these things out a bit better. Oh well we will enjoy biking while we are here. I also left my Diving certificate and log book back at the house. I really wasn’t thinking when I packed for this trip. I have a photo of that on my phone as well. This has come in handy before as they will accept that. I am thinking that I should take pictures of my insurance documents though in case I need to use them while we are travelling around. Especially with Douglas. Between his sensitive stomach and the skateboarding injuries it wouldn’t surprise me if we need to see a doctor more than once while we are here.

Everything we have with us is either dirty or wet so it must be time to head back home. We have decided to stay one more day because we lost at least a day with Doug being sick and all of the schoolwork.


  1. I hope Doug is feeling better. Was it something he ate, do you think? Yes, Rastafarian is someone who follows the Rastafari way of life. Love, Mom

    1. He is feeling better now but every time we leave the mountain he get's sick. I told him he needs to stop eating the meat because I haven't been sick at all and he hasn't been sick when we have been home and I have been cooking.
