Tuesday 23 July 2013

Monkey party in the back yard!

I was outside doing my laundry this morning and right behind me there was a family of white faced monkeys having a party!

There are many strange noises in the house, most of which I try to ignore. The roof is mainly tin and there are plexiglass skylights. Often during the wind or rain things fall on the roof and make noise. I was hearing this noise but it was relatively consistent??? It turns out I have a not to bright bird in the neighbourhood that keeps coming to the window in the morning. Trying to get in and then leaving. This has been going on for about 15 minutes or so every morning.

They say it takes between 21 and 30 days to break a habit. It has been 23 days since I have had a glass of wine. I was a bit concerned that this was more than just a habit… I am happy to report that I miss the friends I was drinking wine with more than I miss the wine itself. I can also tell you that my friend Angel was right, if you think cutting the red wine out of your diet will help you shed the pounds, it won’t. The wine has been replaced mainly by water and coffee but no weight loss has occurred so clearly the reduction in calories was not significant enough to produce any real results (other than a clearer mind).

Today I got caught up on laundry and there was a family of white faced monkeys having a party in the trees behind me.

Doug spent his day playing survivor man chopping down a bamboo tree with his Machete!

We then took a walk over to El Bajo del Tigre to check it out. This is a night hike right up the road from us. We did not bother to pay to take the hike as all of the animals she spoke of are in our back yard on a daily basis.

Douglas and I worked on his math for a few hours and we went out for dinner. We were going to go into town as I was saying we are never out at night. We chose to stop at a restaurant 1/3 of the way into town. Of course it started raining… and this is why we rarely go out at night.

In the morning we passed by this restaurant and one of the hydro poles right out front had been struck by lightning and was down. All of the wires were down and the hydro men were staring at the mess trying to decide what to do. Sorry no picture. I wasn’t expecting to see anything new.