Sunday 4 August 2013

Manuel Antonio

OMG too stupid. I found the missing money. Apparently I am really good at finding hiding spots but not really good at remembering where those hiding spots are.

The hotel that Doug and I are staying in is owned and run by a Korean lady. It cracks me up to hear a Korean person speaking fluent Spanish. If she didn’t grow up here she has spent the better part of her life here.

Doug and I have been curious about the volcanoes in Costa Rica because we have seen black sand in Puerto Viejo. In Manuel Antonio and Puntarenas it was dark but not black so I did a bit of research.

Costa Rica is home a great number of volcanoes – there are six active volcanoes and another 61 dormant or extinct ones. For the past fifty years, Arenal was the country’s most active volcano. Although it entered into a resting phase in 2010 – meaning that its eruptions have taken pause for the time being – Arenal still is one of the country’s best-known and most-visited volcanoes. There are, however, many other volcanoes that are worth exploring. Most are caldera volcanoes, whose craters are filled with water and rising steam. The following list recognizes Costa Rica’s most notable volcanoes. Poas Volcano, Rincon de la Vieja Volcano, Irazu Volcano, Tenorio Volcano and Turrialba Volcano.

We went to Manuel Antonio National Park today. Wow! This is not easy to see but the worlds largest snake is on top of the branch of this tree.

Amazing beaches..

Monkeys were adorable.

And although the sand looked light you can see here that it still has black sand mixed in.

There is a sloth in this tree, right in the middle of the picture. I need to invest in a stronger zoom lens.


  1. ¡ Wow! ¡ QuĂ© lugar tan fabuloso!
    Wow! I did not know that Wow was the same in English and Spanish. I'm really glad you found your money. Thinking that it was stolen would really put a damper on your adventure.

    1. It just goes to show you that you can't properly look for anything when you are upset or panicked.

      No era mucho dinero pero estoy aliviado
