Friday 2 August 2013


I forgot to mention I went for a run yesterday – Damn hills!

Tortitas de plátano para el desayuno! Nos gusto.

We stopped at the Bel-Mar hotel today. They offer yoga twice a day and there is also potential for me to teach there so I wanted to check it out. It is amazing. A bit higher up on the mountain, the view is spectacular and the hotel itself is very high end compared to anything else I have seen around here.

It was long overdue time to get some groceries because we have been away and I want to start baking banana bread with all of these bananas so I needed a loaf pan and a few ingredients.

I learned tonight that many of the Costa Rican customs I am learning about aren’t even Costa Rican, they came from Guanacaste. The Gallo Pinto, which is considered a traditional Costa Rican breakfast, actually came from Nicaragua/Guanacaste. Also the beautiful colored dresses that are worn at celebrations also came from Nicaragua. Last Thursday was a holiday here. We met with Miguel tonight and his boss told me it was the anniversary of the day that Guanacaste became a part of Costa Rica.  From what I have learned Guanacaste used to be a part of Nicaragua but on the 25th of July 1824 they separated from Nicaragua and became a part of Costa Rica. The town of Guanacaste was renamed to Liberia and is now the capital of the province of Guanacaste.

Hoy el sol está brillando así que hice ropa todo el día.

Doug tiene ahora una media docena de amigos y ellos están hablando de una fiesta en dos semanas. Uno de los padres de la escuela también está teniendo una fiesta para las familias de expatriados. Será un fin de semana muy ocupado.

Este fin de semana, creo que vamos a ir a Manuel Antonio.

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